How to Start Getting Fit

This article was originally published Dec. 20, 2014.

"Everybody wanna be a body builder but don't nobody wanna lift no heavy ass weight" - Ronnie Coleman

Maybe you don't want to be a body builder but you're lying if you say you don't want to lift heavy ass weight. When I talk about heavy weight it's really a relative term for me, putting a few hundred pounds up on squats is heavy, for Ronnie it's more like 600+, for you, you might have no idea because you have never been able to get a good start.

You don't need to be a body builder but it is essential to exercise for the physical and mental benefits. Everybody wants a six-pack and to look like a super hero but many of those people have no clue where to start. If you are like a lot of people you probably went to the closest Planet Fitness or 24 hour gym and bought a membership and hopped on the elliptical. While that is perfectly OK if you enjoy it, for most people, that is boring as hell and it does not really get you the results you need.

For those of you trying to get into a consistent workout program I would advise you to not even bother with a gym membership at first unless you are planning to hire a trainer. If you have never worked out consistently you can make a ton of progress with simple bodyweight exercises at home. Push-ups, planks, jumping jacks, biking, running, squats... the list goes on and on. Just search bodyweight exercises if you do not know many. Do some of these basic exercises for a month or two while you build your strength and after that get that membership and start using real iron and lift that heavy ass weight! Before you start a program pick a few of those exercises I mentioned and see how many you can do. Let's say do squats, push-ups and planks. The very first day you want to workout do as many push-ups, as you possibly can that might only be ten, maybe only one it doesn't matter it's just a way to measure your current strength. Here is an example program you can do for one month three times a week with a day of rest between each workout day.

Week 1           Do this for each of the three days per week

Push-ups (on knee's rather than feet) 3 sets of 5 push-ups (one set=5 push ups all done at once) give yourself 1 minute between each set

Squats  3 sets of 12 squats

Planks   3 sets of 10 second holds

Week 2

Push-ups   1 set of 5 on feet, 2 sets of 7 on knees

Squats       3 sets of 15 squats

Planks        3 sets of 15 second holds

Week 3

Push-ups  1 set of 7 on feet, 2 sets of 10 on knees

Squats      3 sets of 18 squats

Planks       1 set 20 second, 2 sets 15 sec

Week 4  

Push-ups  3 sets of 5 all on feet

Squats      3 sets of 20

Planks      3 sets of 20 seconds

After the last week measure how many reps you can do in all three exercises again and I guarantee you will see great results! You can then progress and add four repetitions or weight to your workout. If you really want to try this example workout be sure to look up proper form on YouTube. You can also get a ton more ideas for at home exercises.

Obviously this is just one example of what you can do. If you are more interested in running or doing more cardio based workouts you can do that. Begin by just walking for a few weeks and slowly progress to a run. Find something you enjoy and get moving! Find others who enjoy doing it as well this will give you someone to work with and compete against. Good Luck and start getting fit!


Love your Training