What is the key to achieving any fitness goal both physically and mentally?

Originally published Aug. 3, 2020

I run ads for my business on Google, one of the features of this is that I can see what people are searching for when my business comes across their computer. This question, What is the key to achieving any fitness goal both physically and mentally?, was one of them. I thought that was a great question and one that many people presumably face. Here is my best answer I can give to that.

First off is seeking help. This can come in many forms, you can go to school, watch YouTube videos, read books, use a process of elimination by trying everything or you can hire someone to help. A quick shameless plug, that is exactly what we try to do at Fresh Focus Fitness, go to our website to find out more. Seeking help is definitely the best place to start. Ask people at the gym, ask friends, you'll likely find some answers pretty quick.

Once you have the help checked off, be clear in your goals. What are you trying to achieve? Be specific, why do you want to achieve that goal? When do you want to achieve the goal? Click here for a video I made showing how to set your goals.

Once you have your goals set, consistency is your best friend. Follow your plan whether you feel like it or not. Even if you are just going through the motions. Anyone who has achieved anything will acknowledge being consistent is important. If you let a few days go by being lazy and eating crap it is extremely hard to get out of those ruts. Stay moving and you will stay on track.

I would love to say take supplement x or y and it makes deceiving your goals so much easier. Unfortunately it is not that simple. It is a grind. Embrace that grind and find a way to enjoy it. Eventually you will create habits just like brushing your teeth or showering.


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